Women and film clubs: social networks during the first half of the twentieth century in Iberoamerica, par Ainamar Clariana Rodagut

Séance à 18h à l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, rue Vivienne (1er étage).
My research focuses on mediators who developed their activity in film clubs that emerged in Iberoamerica during the first half of the twentieth century. I am especially interested in women mediators who worked in the cinematographic field and have been overlooked by traditional history. I tackle cinema from sociocultural, transnational, gendered and postcolonial perspectives, and I use relational approaches, such as Actor-Network Theory and Social Network Analysis. During the seminar session I will present some of the conclusions based on the research I have been doing in the last few years on the topic in question, and following the theoretical framework (mentioned earlier). My aim is to outline the sociocultural profile of the women who took part in the first wave of the film club movement (20’s-60) in Iberoamerica, and at the same time to explain the common ground they found in these film clubs, that enabled their participation in the film and the cultural fields.
Ainamar Clariana-Rodagut is a postdoctoral research fellow and part of the ERC project StG ‘Social Networks of the Past. Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Modernity, 1898-1959’, led by Diana Roig-Sanz at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Ainamar is part of the GlobaLS research group (Global Literary Studies Research Lab), where she leads the Global Cinema research line. She is currently writing her second thesis project focusing on film clubs and women during the first half of the twentieth century in Iberoamerica.
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Stéphanie-Emmanuelle Louis (26 novembre 2022). Séance du 15 décembre 2022. Histoire culturelle du cinéma. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/pld5